Spencer S. - Technical Writer
Import spreadsheet data to produce markers on a map - (MS Excel, Google Sheets, etc.)
Note: The estimated time required to complete the procedure is 1 hour.

Import spreadsheet data to produce markers on a map


(Step 1) - Learn the definitions by using our sample data

Load the sample data into the table

  1. Log into your account.
  2. (Optional) If the "LAYERS" Panel isn't open on the right-side of the browser window, click the vertical bar
  3. In the top of the Layers Panel, click the Spreadsheet Icon displaying the tooltip: "Import Spreadsheet".
    This window will appear: "IMPORT LIST (SPREADSHEET)".
  4. Click the tab: "1. Import Data".
    You will see a field displaying our sample data.
  5. Click the tab: "2. Map".
    You will see our sample data for 9 cities displayed in a table.
    Each row displays a city's data.
    In later steps, each city's data will be represented by a marker in the Map View.

Definitions for the types of data

Definitions of data types.png

There are 2 levels of column headings:

Each top-heading displays a definable heading

Note: When you use your own spreadsheet data, the definable headings are the data in the column heading cells from your spreadsheet.
Each lower-heading is the preset heading that’s currently selected in the drop-down list.
For example: "Title" and "Description".
Note: You'll learn about each preset heading in STEP 3 of the current article: View the reference list describing the purpose of each preset heading
Below the two column headings, you will see the rest of the cells, each called a: value cell. This is the data from the regular cells (not column headings) in your spreadsheet.

Plot the markers on the map

  1. At the bottom of the "IMPORT LIST" window, click the button: "MAP LIST".
    You will see the pop-up: "9 points added to map".
  2. Click: "Ok".
  3. In the Map View, you will see the markers are plotted at the city locations.

View the info bubble

  1. Select the Edit/Measure Tool in the top toolbar.
    Or you can press the "Q" button on your keyboard.
  2. In the Map View, click on a marker.
    Note: A user viewing the map will also click a marker to view its data.
    For the current example, the info bubble displays the data for these preset headings:
    • Title.
    • Description.
    In later steps, you will learn how to select "Attribute" for the preset heading.

(Step 2) - Import spreadsheet data and use the preset headings

Create a new map

  1. In the top toolbar, click the "MENU" button.
  2. Under the heading, "Example.com", click the button: "New Map".
  3. Click: "Yes".
  4. Click: "Ok".
  5. In the top-right corner of the menu window, click the "X" button.
  6. In the Map View, you will see the new map.

Delete the sample data

  1. In the top of the Layers Panel, click the Spreadsheet Icon displaying the tooltip: "Import Spreadsheet".
    You will see this window appear: "IMPORT LIST (SPREADSHEET)".
  2. Click the tab: "1. Import Data".
    You will see a field displaying our sample data.
  3. On your keyboard, press the Delete key.
    You will see the field is now blank in the window.

Download the template

  1. On the bottom-left corner of the "IMPORT LIST" window, click the link: "Download Template".
  2. You will see the downloaded file in your browser. The file's default location will usually be your computer’s "Downloads" folder. The file’s:
    • Type will be: "Microsoft Excel Comma Separated Values File".
    • Name will be: "template.csv".

Upload the template file to your spreadsheet software

  1. Open your spreadsheet software.
    The compatible programs include:
    • Microsoft Excel.
    • Google Sheets.
  2. Open a blank page displaying empty cells.
    For this example, a:
    • Letter (example: "A") indicates a column.
    • Number (example: "1") indicates a row.
  3. Upload the template file to the blank page.

Copy the data from your spreadsheet software

  1. In the top row, you will see: "Country", "State", "City", etc.
    In later steps, this top row will be the definable headings in Example.com.
    The second, third, etc. rows will be value cells in Example.com.
  2. Copy the group of cells (8x13).
    Copy by clicking-and-dragging to highlight "A1" to "H13". Then use your keyboard to press:
    • Ctrl + C (for Windows).
    • Command + C (for Macs).

Paste the data into Example.com

  1. Go back to the browser tab displaying the "IMPORT LIST" window in Example.com.
    (Optional) When using your own data set, you might have more rows and columns. So you might want to toggle the "IMPORT LIST" window into fullscreen mode.
    To toggle fullscreen mode:
    Click the button displaying two arrows pointed in opposite directions.
    The button is located in the top-right corner of the "IMPORT LIST" window, to the left of the "X" button.
  2. Paste the copied data into the "IMPORT LIST" window.
    Paste by clicking the empty field. Then use your keyboard to press:
    • Ctrl + V (for Windows).
    • Command + V (for Macs).
  3. You will see the:
    • Tab switch to "2. Map".
    • Data is displayed in the table.
(Optional) When using your own data set, you might have a large quantity of rows and columns. So you might not want to copy-and-paste the data.
If you have a large quantity of data:
  1. Download the .CSV file from your spreadsheet software.
  2. Import the .CSV file into Example.com by clicking the "UPLOAD CSV" button in the "IMPORT LIST" window > "1. Import Data" tab.

Select the preset headings for the 8 columns

  1. For each column in the table, you will see the upper heading displays the definable heading.
    The lower heading is a drop-down list displaying the currently selected: preset heading.
    5 of the 8 imported headings included the exact spelling for preset headings:
    • A1 = "Country".
    • B1 = "State".
    • C1 = "City".
    • D1 = "Address".
    • F1 = "Description".
    Also, the imported heading, H1 = "Group", is considered the same as the preset heading: "Folder".
    So these 6 preset headings were automatically selected in the drop-downs.
  2. Below the definable heading, "Name", click on the drop-down list to select the preset heading: "Title".
  3. Below the definable heading, "Website", click on the drop-down list to select the preset heading: "Attribute".

Plot and view the markers

  1. At the bottom of the "IMPORT LIST" window, click the button: "MAP LIST (USE 12 GEOCODES)". You will see the pop-up:
    12 points added to map
    12 Geocodes used
    Note: To learn the basics about geocodes for addresses, view the section: ADDRESS
  2. Click: "Ok".
  3. In the Layers Panel, you will see the main folder, and 4 sub-folders.
    In the Map View, you will see the 12 markers have been plotted.

View the info bubble

  1. Select the Edit/Measure Tool in the top toolbar.
  2. In the Map View, click on a marker.
    You will see the info bubble displays the data for these preset headings:
    • Title.
    • Description.
    • Country.
    • State/Province.
    • City.
    • Address.
    • Attribute.
    • Folder.

(Step 3) - View the reference list describing the purpose of each preset heading

Note: If you want the app to automatically select the preset heading, write the exact spelling for the definable heading.
For example: "Latitude".




Zip/Postal code


The data from certain preset headings is also added to the marker's list of attributes. These are the preset headings:
  • Folder.
  • Attribute.
  • Rotation.
  • Address.
  • City.
  • State/Province.
  • Country.
  • Zip/Postal Code.


Preset heading: "Title"
Note: If you don't select "Title" for one of the columns, the left-side column will be automatically considered the "Title" column. So the value cells located in the left-side column will be considered the marker titles.
Definable heading: N/A
Value cell: The marker's title.
Where in app?
You will see the value cell's text in the:
  • Marker's row in the Layers Panel.
  • Marker editor window.
  • Info bubble - (top).
For example: Value cell:
"Bernal McDonalds".

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Preset heading: "Description"
Definable heading: N/A
Value cell: The marker's description.
Where in app?
You will see the value cell's text in the:
  • Marker editor window.
  • Info bubble - (top).
For example: Value cell:
"105 Bernal Rd".

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Preset heading: "Folder"
Definable heading: The category describing the folders.
Value cell: The name of the folder containing the marker.
Where in app? You will see the value cell's text on the folder's row in the: Layers Panel.
"Folder" data is also added to the marker's list of attributes. So you will see the data from both the "definable heading" and the "value cell" in the: Info bubble - (listed).
For example: Definable heading:
Value cell:

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Preset heading: "Attribute"
Note: You can produce the same results as "Attribute" by not changing the default preset heading: "Select".
Definable heading: The category ("attribute-name") describing the "attribute-values".
Value cell: The "attribute-value" describing the marker.
Where in app? You will see the data from both the "definable heading" and the "value cell" in the: Info bubble - (listed).
For example: Definable heading:
Value cell:

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Preset heading: "Rotation"
Note: The direction rotates clockwise starting from North as 0°.
Definable heading: The category describing the rotations.
Value cell: A number from 0 to 360.
Where in app? In the Map View, you will see the marker is a red arrow pointed in the direction specified as the value cell's number.
"Rotation" data is also added to the marker's list of attributes. So you will see the data from both the "definable heading" and the "value cell" in the: Info bubble - (listed).
For example: Definable heading:
Value cell:

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Unique location data enables the app to select the correct location to place a marker. So consider which combinations of preset headings will produce unique location data.
For example: The preset headings ("Address", "Zip/Postal Code", and "Country") will produce more unique location data than only ("Address", and "Country").
Your account will be debited a single geocode for each location you import/convert from an address into coordinates on the map.
If you provide a location's coordinates instead of an address, your account won't be debited a geocode.
Preset heading: "Address"
Definable heading: The category describing the addresses.
Value cell: The address of the marker location. 
Where in app? In the Map View, you will see the marker located at the address.
"Address" data is also added to the marker's list of attributes. So you will see the data from both the "definable heading" and the "value cell" in the: Info bubble - (listed).
For example: Definable heading:
Value cell:
"105 Bernal Rd".

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Preset heading: "City"
Definable heading: The category describing the cities/towns/etc.
Value cell: The city/town/etc. of the marker location.
Where in app? In the Map View, you will see the marker located in the city/town/etc.
"City" data is also added to the marker's list of attributes. So you will see the data from both the "definable heading" and the "value cell" in the: Info bubble - (listed).
For example: Definable heading:
Value cell:
"San Jose".

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Preset heading: "State/Province"
Definable heading: The category describing the states/provinces.
Value cell: The state/province/etc. of the marker location.
Where in app? In the Map View, you will see the marker located in the state/province/etc.
"State/Province" data is also added to the marker's list of attributes. So you will see the data from both the "definable heading" and the "value cell" in the: Info bubble - (listed).
For example: Definable heading:
Value cell:

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Preset heading: "Country"
Definable heading: The category describing the countries.
Value cell: The country of the marker location.
Where in app? In the Map View, you will see the marker located in the country.
"Country" data is also added to the marker's list of attributes. So you will see the data from both the "definable heading" and the "value cell" in the: Info bubble - (listed).
For example: Definable heading:
Value cell:
"United States".

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Preset heading: "Zip/Postal Code"
Definable heading: The category describing the Zip/Postal Codes/etc.
Value cell: The Zip/Postal Code/etc. of the marker location.
Where in app? In the Map View, you will see the marker located in the Zip/Postal Code/etc.
"Zip/Postal Code" data is also added to the marker's list of attributes. So you will see the data from both the "definable heading" and the "value cell" in the: Info bubble - (listed).
For example: Definable heading:
Value cell:

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Note: You can import unlimited locations into maps if you use coordinates instead of addresses.
Preset heading: "Latitude"
Definable heading: N/A
Value cell: The latitude coordinate of the marker in the format: DD (Decimal Degrees).
Where in app? In the Map View, you will see the marker is located at the latitude coordinate.
You will see the value cell's coordinate in the: Marker editor window.
For example: Value cell:

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Preset heading: "Longitude"
Definable heading: N/A
Value cell: The longitude coordinate of the marker in the format: DD (Decimal Degrees).
Where in app? In the Map View, you will see the marker is located at the longitude coordinate.
You will see the value cell's coordinate in the: Marker editor window.
For example: Value cell:

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