Spencer S. - Technical Writer
Draw a freeform line
Note: If you have a touchscreen device (tablet, etc.), you can use the stylus to draw the freeform line.


(Step 1) - Select the line's location, colour, thickness, style, and end cap style

(Step 2 - Option 1) - Draw a freeform line

(Step 2 - Option 2) - Draw a smooth freeform line

(Step 2 - Option 3) - Draw a freeform directions line by using the road snap feature


(Step 1) - Select the line's location, colour, thickness, style, and end cap style

  1. Select the Draw Tool in the top toolbar.
    Or you can press the "D" button on your keyboard.
  2. In the Map View, move and zoom the map so you can see both the:
    • Start location.
    • Destination location.
    To move the map:
    1. Select the Hand Tool in the top toolbar.
    2. In the centre of the Map View, you will see the reticle.
    3. In the Map View, click-and-drag the map so the chosen location is at the reticle.
      When you later zoom, you will see the map zooms to/from the location at the reticle.
    To zoom-in/out, there are 2 options:
    Option 1
    In the top-right corner of the Map View, click the:
    • Zoom-in button, "+".
    • Zoom-out button, "-".
    Option 2
    Use the scroll wheel on your mouse.
    For Windows
    • Scroll forwards to zoom-in.
    • Scroll backwards to zoom-out.
    For Mac
    • Scroll backwards to zoom-in.
    • Scroll forwards to zoom-out.
  3. (Optional) Choose the colour of the line.
    To choose the colour:
    1. Select the Line Colour Picker in the top toolbar.
      The Line Colour Picker is the Pencil Icon displaying the tooltip: "Changes line/border colour".
    2. There are 2 options for this step:
      Option 1
      Type the Hex Colour Code into the field.
      Option 2
      1. Click on the "White+Colour" field to choose how much white is mixed with a colour.
      2. (Optional) Click on the Shade Bar to choose how much gray or black is mixed with the "White+Colour".
    3. (Optional) In the "Opacity" field, type-in the non-transparency percentage of the final colour.
      The opacity value:
      • 0% is invisible.
      • 50% is see-through.
      • 100% is the solid colour.
  4. (Optional) Choose the line thickness.
    To the right of the Line Colour Picker:
    • Click on the up/down arrows.
    • Type the number into the field.
  5. (Optional) Choose the line style
    To the right of the line thickness selector:
    1. Click on the current line style.
    2. On the drop-down list, click to select the new line style.
  6. (Optional) Choose the line’s end cap style.
    To the right of the line style selector, click on the current cap style. You can change the style to either round or square.

(Step 2 - Option 1) - Draw a freeform line

  1. (Optional) Select the Draw Tool if it isn't selected in the top toolbar.
    Or you can press the "D" button on your keyboard.
  2. In the Map View, click-and-drag to draw the line.

(Step 2 - Option 2) - Draw a smooth freeform line

  1. (Optional) Select the Draw Tool if it isn't selected in the top toolbar.
    Or you can press the "D" button on your keyboard.
  2. In the Map View, you will see a pop-up on the left side. Click the checkbox: "Smooth".
  3. Choose the length of the dragging tool.
    To the right of the "Smooth" checkbox:
    • Click on the up/down arrows.
    • Type the number (0-300) into the field.
    Note: Larger numbers increase the length of the dragging tool. When you draw the line, you can experiment to find the optimal:
    • Length of the tool.
    • Angle of the change in direction.
    • Speed of the change in direction.
  4. In the Map View, click-and-drag to draw the line.

(Step 2 - Option 3) - Draw a freeform directions line by using the road snap feature

  1. Choose the map provider/category and style.
    1. In the bottom-right corner of the Map View, you will see the base map selector displays a thumbnail image.
    2. Click the currently selected name of the map provider or category.
    3. In the flyout list, click to select the new map provider/category and style.
      Map providers and styles:
      • Custom Style (edit Road style)
      • Terrain
      • Satellite
      • Road
      • Traffic
      • Hybrid
      • Road
      Map Base
      • Terrain
      • Satellite
      • Road
      National Geographic
      • Education
      Open Street Map
      • Cycle
      • Topography
      • Physical
      • World Street
      • Satellite
      Map categories and styles:
      • Black (with grid)
      • Dark Grey (with grid)
      • Grey (without grid)
      • White (without grid)
      • Grid (white background)
      • Black & White
  2. At the centre of the map footer, you will see the current zoom-level. For example: "Zoom:12".
  3. (Optional) Select the Draw Tool if it isn't selected in the top toolbar.
    Or you can press the "D" button on your keyboard.
  4. In the Map View, you will see a pop-up on the left side. Click the checkbox: "Road Snap".
  5. In the bottom-centre of the Map View, you will see a pop-up displaying how many levels you have to zoom-in to use the "Road Snap" feature.
  6. In the top-right corner of the Map View, click the zoom-in button (+) the required number of times.
  7. In the Map View, you will see the roads are highlighted.
  8. (Optional) While zooming-in, you may need to adjust the Map View.
    1. Select the Hand Tool in the top toolbar.
    2. Click-and-drag the map.
  9. (Optional) Select the Draw Tool if it isn't selected in the top toolbar.
  10. Click-and-drag over the roads to draw the line.
    You will see the line snaps to the roads.

(Optional) View the line’s row in the Layers Panel

  1. Select the Edit/Measure Tool in the top toolbar.
    Or you can press the "Q" button on your keyboard.
  2. (Optional) If the "LAYERS" Panel isn't open on the right-side of the browser window, click the vertical bar
  3. In the Map View, hover over the line.
    In the Layers Panel, you will see the line’s row is highlighted.